Monday, October 15, 2012

Buzzword Bingo for Presidential Debate No. 2

Buzzword Bingo for Presidential Debate No. 2

Want to watch tonight's Obama-Romney debate, but still put-off by the last one?  Are you an Adult ADHD suffer whose afraid of going bananas before the 90 minutes are up? Solution:  Fidget around with Buzzword Bingo!

Here's the card for this one, folks.


Buzzword Bingo - Presidential Debate Redux

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Buzzword-Bingo for Veep Debate 2012

For the next debate, Vice President Joe Biden will debate GOP veep-hopeful and self-styled Budget Analyst for America Paul Ryan .

 To prevent lapses into boredom in the upcoming election debate series, here's a Bingo card you can use against all the expected buzzwords -- which is why I call it Buzzword Bingo.

  Enjoy!  And if you have suggestions for improvement, we'd love to hear them.

Buzzword Bingo - Veeps Debate 2012